Our Client's Speak
We just took a verdict, Not Guilty on all counts! Angela and I have been so grateful to have your analysis on this case. It informed the cross of the DNA analyst, and it was clear that we knew more about DNA than the prosecutors. This was a huge win for our kid, and we are so grateful to you for making time on a Saturday to look at this case at the last minute and help educate us and get ready for trial. Thank you!
Chris McKee has been a valuable resource for me in preparing complex cases for trial. With his help, patience and explanations, two clients- one accused of murder and one accused of six counts of sex assault on a child- were found not guilty and got to go home to their families.
He has assisted me in cases involving DNA mixtures, pattern matching, and crime lab policies and procedures. His ability to quickly spot issues and provide guidance is a fantastic resource, but he is also able to consult with attorneys and experts across the country to assist in litigating emerging issues in different jurisdictions.

Steve and I worked together on a federal bank robbery case where he was appointed as a DNA expert. He analyzed the Government's DNA results and quickly determined the quality of that evidence and the likelihood of challenging the DNA tests at trial. His advice was crucial in understanding the strength of the prosecution case. His combination of scientific knowledge and trial lawyer expertise is amazing. I can't imagine doing a DNA case without someone of his ability.
Steve was a huge help in acquitting our client on his murder case. He was very patient with answering all our questions, meeting with us on several occasions, and attending a meeting with the prosecution's expert. We couldn't have been prepared to attack the DNA without him.
Thanks for the assistance on the sex assault case. A juror remarked that it was my cross-examination on the issue of DNA that turned the tide in our favor. I could never have conducted the cross-examination without your assistance. When we sat down, I knew little to nothing about DNA. When I left, I had the tools necessary to destroy the prosecution's case.
I just got a call from the prosecutor who informed me that after spending the afternoon at the lab, and perhaps the lab knowing that we had requested all the database information, they have decided to dismiss the indictment in this case. The prosecutor's words were "I just don't feel comfortable going forward with this prosecution." I can't begin to thank you enough - you guys did an outstanding job. Thank you for being so accessible and responsive. I look forward to working with you in the future.
The expertise and insight into the complexities of DNA evidence proved to be a great resource in our defense of a client facing the death penalty.
Thanks so much for your help on this case. We had a great result – 1st degree assault heat of passion. Not Guilty on all of the sex stuff. Your help was key to the cross of (the DNA analyst) who admitted that there could be a possibility of the complaining witness’ saliva mixed in with the semen at the CSF1PO allele. The DA never cleaned that up - i.e. just one allele, etc. – so it went quite well. Thanks again for your help!
Actually, the case went to trial last week and the jury came back Not Guilty on Counts 1& 2 and Guilty of a lesser misdemeanor battery on count 3. A great result. Per our talk, the Judge granted my motion in limine as to the “cannot be determined” DNA on hammer since it is not probative and is speculative. The DNA analyst actually became a good witness for the Defense since his main conclusion was that the Defendant’s DNA was “excluded” from the bandana. Even with the victim saying it was “a black guy wearing a red bandana who attacked him,” I was able to argue in closing that the science doesn’t back that up. Thanks for all the help. I’m sure I will have more requests and questions in the future.
I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that WE WON OUR TRIAL YESTERDAY!! The jury only deliberated for about an hour and fifteen minutes before returning Not Guilty verdicts on both of the charges (sexual assault on a child and sexual assault--use of force). (The DNA analyst) testified on Wednesday, and she was literally on the stand for 8 or 9 hours. She was a prosecution shill, but after some witness control, I was able to get just about everything I wanted out of her. I used all three of those articles you sent me during my cross-examination of her, and she gave me everything I needed to lay a nice foundation about how she never puts question samples directly next to known samples, only to slap that plate chart up on the projector and show her where she put my client's saliva sample directly next to the AV's floral panties sample. After the trial, the foreman of the jury, who was a doctor, went on and on about how much he loved that moment in the trial. At any rate, this DNA stuff would have been impossible for me to get through without your help. So, thank you very much for all your time.